Season 10 of the Studio 78 podcast is here!

Nachè invited me back as a co-host, and although she has several other amazing guests lined up, I like to think that I'm her little ray of sunshine. In this episode, we discussed Q1, Q2 and Q3 wins, challenges, and pivots. We also got into well-being, Google ads, and travel. I'm especially proud of the part where Nachè admits that she loves Virginia Beach and I'm pretty much the best hostess she's ever had. Perhaps I'll even convince her to buy her dream beach condo here someday.

It's a great episode and you should definitely check it out!


Sharing about my mom's legacy on the podcast.

the pivot

While most of our talk was business-related, I unveiled the heartbreaking news that knocked me off course for pretty much the entire year. My mother passed away this summer and while I don't usually talk about my personal life, this rocked me to my core and affected every part of my life. My mom was my support system for my daughter and me, my emergency contact, and the only person in the world who always supported me. She was my plus one at any event I went to and I was hers. I was her driver and Trader Joe's companion and she was my soft place to land when life knocked me off my ass.

We did not always see eye to eye: she was the strictest parent out of all of my friends and family and she also guided my daughter with a firm hand. But, what became super apparent at her memorial service is that she had the biggest heart. She was an advocate for change in the community before I was even a whisper of a thought. She was a teacher, and an important leader in our community, but she also threw the best parties and made time for traditions that lasted decades. She was the most Virgo woman I know and she shares a birthday with Beyoncè, so you know she was about discipline and putting her best foot forward.

As I mentioned in the podcast, I went to therapy during the time she was sick and I also leaned on friends and family members more than I ever have in my life. This was important for me to do because I was afraid I wouldn't know how to cope with her loss. I was afraid of slipping into a very dark place and not knowing how long it would last or how to climb out of it. I truly believe that could have happened if I didn't talk with a therapist. In addition to the therapist, I also started working off and on with a life coach. Both of these opportunities helped me remain present for my daughter, continue to build my business, and work toward a life my mom would be proud of.

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The biggest lesson I learned through this time is to practice gratitude. I know it feels like a catchphrase, and honestly, I'm not great at practicing it. But, it helped me so much over the last year. One thing I am super thankful for is the photoshoot party I hosted for her friends for her 70th birthday party. If you have followed my blog for any length of time, you would have seen these photos pop up throughout the year. I love them so much. These are the women who raised me and helped me become the person I am.

These photos were taken just about 10 years ago. My mother really didn't care to be in photos and I don't have many of her. But I convinced her to let me host her along with her friends and it was an amazing time. I'd taken more photos of her since then, but this was the first time she got dolled up and seemed to enjoy herself. To this day, taking pictures of sassy old broads (her words, not mine) is one of my favorite things to do.

I'd actually prefer not to receive comments expressing your "deepest condolences" because right now, I'm not sad, just reflective. I'm sharing because I'm practicing being authentic and whole. I want to let my clients and future clients know that life happens and sometimes I get knocked down, but I will do my best to get back up.

On wellbeing

Part of the reason Nachè and I got on the topic of wellbeing is that during the last year, I let go of everything that kept me feeling like myself. There was no time for meditation, prepping healthy means, or creating art of any kind. I didn't walk as much and my body is completely out of shape. I took a wellness quiz that she suggested, and let's just say I failed it miserably. Nachè on the other hand has created a system for herself that optimizes her sense of wellbeing. I wanted to know her tips and tricks and I suggested she share them with her audience. We always hear the term wellness, but wellbeing is for the whole person and that's what I'm interested in learning about.

Now I'd like to hear from you. What has knocked you down lately? Which arm of wellbeing do you feel needs some brushing up on?

Studio 78 Podcast



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Podcast: Studio 78

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